1) The first thing to do is Type in the new question.
2) "Type of Question"- if you click on the field itself (where is says "Free Text") you will get a drop down menu with the different types of questions you can have
- These include: photos, numeric answers, date answers, multiple choice answers, product questions and so on
- For example, if you the correct answer is yes, and the answer given is no, then you may want to hide all dependent question, as they will not be relevant
5) "Compulsory Question"- You can choose for a question to be compulsory or not. If a question is compulsory, a rep will not be able to exit the store and submit the audit without completing the question
6) "Dependent Question"- A dependent question is, simply enough, a question that depends on a previous question. If you choose the action "Show All Depending Questions" or any of the actions pertaining to "dependent questions", this is where those instructions will be followed
7) "Photo Allowed"- If the type of question is "Photo", you must make sure that the field here is green. If you want to allow photos for other questions, you can do that here
8) "Score Question"- Scoring questions is important so that issues can be identified in reporting. A question that is not scored, will not appear on reports and will not count in the total scoring of the audit. You can also give each question a "score weight"
9) "Allow Insights"- Insights are used as tools for the reps on device. More about insights (go to what are insights?)