From the left menu select  Sales/Customers/Add New.

This will open the form to add a customer and you may continue to input additional details, such as addresses and contacts. 

Benefits:  if you add a customer and continue to add all the relevant details, you are done with this task and all customer information has been captured. You will only have to re-visit this information if you need to update it. Additionally, when you place an order, you can skip the billing information and continue to select products for the order.

You can also "quick add" a new customer by clicking the little + icon in the top navigation and then select New Customer. With "quick add" you will just add a few simple details such as customer company name and primary contact details.

Benefits: this is a very quick process, so if you are short of time at a particular moment you can add that customer and get back to what you were doing. You can come back at a later stage and fill in the missing details. Additionally, if you forget to do this it's not a problem! Next time you want to place an order for that customer, you will be taken to a screen where you can edit details such as Billing and Shipping Addresses, payment term and tax. 

Your data is automatically saved.