Placing orders is simple.

  1. Click on the SALES icon on your left menu.
  2. Select Orders/Add New Order.
  3. This will take you to the List All Products page and a pop-up will open so that you can select your Customer.
  4. Click the Customer you are placing the order for, a blue check icon will appear and press the Select button.
  5. Click the + icon next to the products you wish to order or enter the qty you need to order.
  6. Click the Proceed button top right of the page.
  7. Alternatively you can click the little shopping cart icon top right and then press the Checkout button.
  8. This will take you to the Customer Details page with Billing and Shipping info.
  9. Scroll down to view order details, make any edits needed and once you are happy with the order click the Place Order button at the bottom.
  10. You will get a pop-up to confirm you are sure you wish to place the order. Click OK.
  11. The signature screen will pop-up. Once signed by your customer, click the blue PLACE ORDER button at the bottom.
  12. You will notice that a little number will appear by the Refresh icon top right of the screen. This is indicating to you that you need to submit the order. If you have a connection you can go ahead and Submit Orders. Or if you don't have an internet connection you can submit them later when you do.
  13. Once you have submitted orders they will be sent to admin.